Page 13 – Eschenbach Optik Opti Lite User Manual

Page 14

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OPTi Lite User Manual

Page 13

Rev B English

The slider controls can be adjusted as you
desire. You can use the mouse to move
them or you can use the keyboard. For
example to change the brightness of the
image, press “B” and then use the arrow
keys on your keyboard to move the slider
left and right. Once you are happy with the
settings press OK or press “Enter”. The
“Faint text”, “Normal text” and “Shaded
text” buttons allow you to store settings
that are best suited for viewing text in
those conditions.

For example if you are reading very faint
text you may want to turn down the
contrast. When you are happy with the






(Keyboard: A) you will see the following
dialog box:

If you then press the “Faint” button
(Keyboard: F) your video settings will be
stored, and the next time you are viewing