Englert IMP Englert Combined User Manual
Page 5

It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that the specified sealants are in good condition and applied
in the proper manner. It is the designer’s responsibility to understand the project’s unique
environmental and operating conditions and to specify the appropriate vapor control measures.
Location of vapor barrier sealants must be addressed by a design professional.
Before wall panels are installed, ensure that all applicable interior trim is sealed and installed per the
project drawings. A continuous perimeter sealant barrier is required between the panels and the
structure/interior trim. In addition to the perimeter sealant, each panel side-joint must be sealed.
These sealants, unless specified otherwise, are non-skinning butyls. All sealant beads must marry to
provide continuity. Joint sealant can be field or factory applied. Factory applied sealant must be
inspected to ensure it is in place and continuous. If factory applied sealants are observed inadequate,
the installer must field apply sealant to any areas of discontinuity.
Field placed sealant must be applied continuously into the bottom of the groove(s). The bead size
should be approximately
” to
”. However, adjust the bead size to provide full contact with the
tongue(s) of the next panel without extruding sealant onto the panel face. As stated previously, it is
critical to ensure continuity of the sealant line at intersections between panel side joints and exterior
and interior perimeter flashing assemblies. As each panel is installed, apply sealant pigtails along the
panel’s cross-section to provide a continuous seal between the side joint and the perimeter sealant.
Sealant pigtails are defined as additional beads of sealant which are applied to the panel edge to serve
as a bridge between the joint sealant and the perimeter flashing sealant. Pigtails are also used as a
bridge between the perimeter flashing sealants and the flashing splice sealants. During panel
installation, always check that the joint sealant and pigtail sealants are properly applied before
engaging the panel joint.
To maintain the building’s thermal efficiency and continuous insulation barrier, filler insulation is
utilized to fill cavities that may occur at the wall corners, wall-to-roof transitions and wall transitions to
other construction. Failure to fill the cavities with insulation can result in reduced thermal efficiency as
well as moisture and ice damage within the wall construction and frost and condensation problems in
the building interior.
The filler insulation must be installed in a manner that maintains thermal efficiency across cavities
where expansion/contraction is expected. Fiberglass filler insulation is typically used on commercial
industrial work whereas field applied foam is typically utilized in cold-storage applications. The
selection and procurement of filler insulation is the responsibility of the designer and installer.
The connection of the panels to the wall framing members is a critical to the wall’s load resistance
performance and equally important to the wall’s weathertight performance. It is the installer’s
responsibility to ensure that the specified fasteners are used and are installed in the proper manner