Englert S5-E Mini User Manual
S-5-e and s-5-e mini, S-5-e clamp, S-5-e mini clamp

The S-5-E clamp is secured
with our patented round-
point setscrews without
piercing the metal roof
panel, thereby preserving
the roof's warranties!
The right way
to attach almost anything to metal roofs!
S-5-E and S-5-E Mini
888-825-3432 | www
S-5-E Clamp
The S-5-E clamp is designed specially
for double-folded standing seam
roof profiles having the appropriate
Although a bit smaller and less
expensive than the S-5-U, for these
profiles, the S-5-E is just as strong.
The S-5-E is perfect for use with S-5!
snow retention systems and
other heavy-duty applications.
Installation is as simple as placing the
clamp on the seam and tightening the
patented round-point setscrews to the
specified tension. Then, affix ancillary
items using the bolt provided. Go to
www.S-5.com/tools for information and
tools available for properly attaching
and tensioning S-5! clamps.
S-5-E Mini Clamp
The S-5-E Mini is a bit shorter than the
S-5-E and has one setscrew rather than
two. The Mini is the choice for attaching
all kinds of rooftop accessories: signs,
walkways, satellite dishes, antennas,
rooftop lighting, lightning protection
systems, solar arrays, exhaust stack
bracing, conduit, condensate lines,
mechanical equipment—just about
*S-5! Mini clamps can be used with RamGard
unitized snow
guards but are not compatible and should not be used with our
or ColorGard
snow retention systems.