Enerpac CLP-Series User Manual

Instruction sheet, Clp-series cylinders

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Instruction Sheet

CLP-Series Cylinders

maximum pressure 700 bar [10,000 psi]

EIS 67.118-1 02/2012 Rev. B

1.0 ImPoRtant RECEIvIng InStRuCtIonS

Visually inspect all components for shipping damage.

Shipping damage is not covered by warranty. If

shipping damage is found notify carrier at once. The

carrier is responsible for all repair and replacement

costs resulting from damage in shipment.



Read all instructions, warnings and cautions carefully.

Follow all safety precautions to avoid personal

injury or property damage during system operation.

Enerpac cannot be responsible for damage or

injury resulting from unsafe product use, lack of

maintenance or incorrect product and/or system

operation. Contact Enerpac when in doubt as to the

safety precautions and applications.

To pRoTECT youR waRRanTy, uSE only

EnERpaC hydRaulIC oIl.

2.0 PRoduCt dESCRIPtIon

Single-acting, load return cylinders with an overflow

oilport for stroke restriction. Clp cylinders are

provided with a fully threaded plunger and a safety

lock nut for positive loadholding operations. Clp

cylinders do not have a stopring. See illustration 1.

For specifications and dimensions see page 4.

3.0 gEnERaL SafEty ISSuES

Failure to comply with following cautions and

warnings could cause equipment damage or

personal injury.

WaRnIng: CLP cylinders are not equipped with a

stopring to retain the plunger. To prevent plunger

over -extension, a port is provided to vent

the oil out of the cylinder as the plunger

reaches the maximum stroke. when the

red line around the plunger becomes

visible, the plunger is at maximum extension. Further

extension could result in the plunger being forced

out of the cylinder. See illustration 1.

WaRnIng: nEvER remove the plug

or substitute a conventional pipe plug

from the plunger travel restriction port.

Illustration 1 - CLP cylinders


lock nut

plunger Travel
Restriction port

plunger shown at maximum extension

English Instruction Sheet (GB) .................................................................. page ...............1-4
Français notice d’Emploi (FR) ................................................................... page ...............5-7
deutsch Bedienungsanleitung (d) ............................................................. Seite .............8-10
Italiano Manuale Istruzioni (I) ..................................................................... pagina ........11-13
Español Instrucciones (ES) ...................................................................... página ........14-16
português (pT) .......................................................................................... página ........17-19
nederlands Gebruikershandleiding (nl) .................................................. pagina ........20-22
Svenska Instruktionsblad (SV) ................................................................. sida ............23-25
Ελληνικά (GR) ................................................................................................................26-29
pycckий (Ru)............................................................................................. ....................30-32