CounterPath Bria 3.1 Administrator Guide User Manual
Page 11

Bria for Windows Administrator Guide
Using the “No Login” Profile
If you, the system administrator, ever need to start Bria without logging in:
Go to the Preferences > Application page and check Enable Login screen.
Restart Bria. The Login dialog will appear. Choose “No login required”.
Bria will start, using the local version of the configuration data that is saved on your computer (from the
first time you used Bria without logging in).
Keep in mind that when you are supporting remote provisioning, starting Bria without logging in is intended to
allow you, the system administrator, to experiment with login options. It is not intended to allow users to skip
login, for example, by displaying the Login dialog and choosing the “No login required” option.
If a user first logs on using DHCP or by manually entering the server URL and then later changes to “No login
required”, Bria will start but none of the user’s account credentials or account settings will be available, so Bria
will not be usable.
Instructions for your Users
When the user starts Bria, the Login dialog appears. The Login dialog for Bria for Windows and Bria for
Mac Login dialogs are shown below
The user should set the profile to “DHCP” or “Manually enter login server” (depending on how you have
set up provisioning).
The user should complete the remaining fields (with information you have provided to each user, perhaps
through an e-mail) and click Login. Bria will start. From now on, the Login dialog will appear at each