Preferences – network preferences – audio codecs, Preferences – video codecs, Preferences – quality of service – CounterPath Bria 3.3 for Windows User Guide - Enterprise Deployments User Manual
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CounterPath Corporation
Preferences – Network
Preferences – Audio Codecs
Change the settings on this tab only if advised to do so by your system administrator.
Preferences – Video Codecs
Change the settings on this tab only if advised to do so by your system administrator.
Preferences – Quality of Service
Change the settings on this tab only if advised to do so by your system administrator.
Table 4: Preferences – Network
Network Connection Speed
Select the type of network connection for your computer.
The sliders move to show the bitrate that will be used for sending and receiving. These rates are
typical rates for the selected configuration.
If you know that your computer and network can handle a faster sending speed, click Custom
and move the slider.
It is recommended that you not change the receiving speed.
You will know that you have set the sending speed too high if:
• The remote video shows black areas or is slow or jerky.
• The remote audio is garbled.
You will know that you have set the sending speed too low if the audio is good but the video is of
poor quality (grainy).