1 purpose of dial plans, 1purpose of dial plans, The default dial plan – CounterPath Bria 3 Dial Plan Guide User Manual

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Purpose of Dial Plans

A dial plan is used for any combination of these reasons:

To modify (transform) the input, if transformation is required to ensure that the call gets established. For
example, to add the “9” required to obtain an outside line from a PBX.

To select the account to use to place a call, if users can have more than one account. For example, if you
want calls that match one pattern to go through one account and calls that match another pattern to go
through another account.

To prevent unresolvable calls being placed. For example, to prevent using network bandwidth on a call that
will certainly fail. You define patterns that you know will work, and only place a call if it matches one of
these patterns.

When users use Bria in Auto Select mode (see the illustration below), the dial plan can be used to select the
account to use for the call. Once the account is selected, the dial plan can also be used to transform the phone
number, for example, to add “9” to the start of the number

Even if users select the account to use when making calls or even if the user has only one SIP account, dial
plans can still be used to transform the phone number.

The Default Dial Plan

The default dial plan is:


where #n is the account prefix (#1 for the first account in the list (proxy0), #2 for the second account (proxy1),
and so on).

If the input is the account prefix and the number (for example, #16045551212), then the Account for this dial
plan is selected. The account prefixed is stripped from the number before the call is placed.

If all accounts use this dial plan, then the behavior is as follows: if the input includes the account, then that
account is used. In other words, you can force selection of a specific account by including the account prefix. If
the input does not include #n, then the prefered account is used.