11 ldap, 12 license, Ldap license – CounterPath Bria Professional 2.5 Configuration Guide User Manual
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Configuring Bria Professional (Retail Edition)
XMPP file transfer is direct if a peer-to-peer connection exists between the two sides. If such a connection is
not possible, then the transfer is sent via the XMPP proxy that the XMPP service provides or via the public
server proxy.jabber.org.
2.11 LDAP
If you have set up an LDAP directory on a remote server, you can configure Bria Professional to fetch data from
it. This data will be displayed in the LDAP directory in the Contacts module.
Set feature:ldap:allow and feature:ldap:enable as described in the Settings reference documentation.
Set all the settings with "key" in their name. These settings are used to map the attribute in your LDAP directory
to the corresponding attribute in Bria Professional. Be careful with this mapping, because if the user creates a
contact from the LDAP entry, the application will allow/disallow certain functions (such as sending an IM)
based on whether a property of that contact is populated.
Complete the remaining settings in this topic to allow Bria Professional to connect to your LDAP server.
2.12 License
Provisioning the License
The license key can be provided to the client through remote provisioning. See “Provisioning Bria Retail
Edition” for details.
Or the key can be provided to the user outside of Bria Professional, through an e-mail, for example. In this case,
you may want to set feature:help_menu:has_license_key to true, to include the menu item that displays the
Enter License dialog.
Revoking Licenses
Whether you provision licenses or users enter the license key manually, you can manage licenses by logging
onto your account on the CounterPath store.
Note that to revoke a license, you must do so through the store. It is not enough to remotely provision an empty
license key string the next time that the user logs on, because after the initial provisioning, the key is stored
outside of settings and Bria Professional reads it in that outside location.