chiliGREEN ArcSoft TotalMedia 3.5 User Manual

Page 58

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ArcSoft TotalMedia™ Manual


From the "Conversion Settings" section, select "Convert All Video Files" or select "Convert
All Incompatible Files" for transfer to mobile devices.

Set the file format, resolution, video encoder, audio encoder, video bitrate, audio bitrate
and frame rate by selecting from the pull-down list.
Note: Many of these settings are related. So it is quite possible that when you select a
certain option, the other options will change or become unavailable to prevent you from

creating an unusable file.

When you're ready, click "Save." Or click "Cancel" at any time to exit without saving. If you want
to switch back to original default settings, click "Default."

PC Folder Settings
Click the "PC Folder" button in the Settings screen to select a computer folder to store

synchronized files. The folders for "Automatically sync" and "Schedule sync" are set here.