chiliGREEN ArcSoft TotalMedia 3.5 User Manual
Page 27

ArcSoft TotalMedia™ Manual
Set the transition effects, timing and background music for your slide show:
From the "Interval" section, set the display time for the slides.
Click the "Fit to Soundtrack" option to override the slide interval setting and have the slide
show be timed to match the duration of your music soundtrack
From the "Transitions" section, choose the effect that you would like to see as one slide
changes to the next.
Check the "Loop Slide Show" box to have your slide show automatically restart once it
completes. Press the Esc key to exit a looping slide show.
In the "Music Soundtrack" section, choose "On" to play one or more songs during the slide
show. Click the "Add" button to set background music. The added music files will be listed.
You can also remove a music track by selecting it and clicking the "Delete" (trash can)
button. The total time of the music files will show below.
Note: Total Time is not calculated for ".mid" files.