chiliGREEN M57xRU User Manual
Page 136

7 - 36 Mini-PCI TV Tuner Module
MPC718 Module
This TV Tuner module is fully supported by Windows Media Center in
Windows Vista (Home Premium Edition & Ultimate Edition).
2. Run Windows Media Center directly from the Start menu (Start > Pro-
grams > Windows Media Center).
3. Windows Help and Support provides information on the Windows Media
Center functions. Click Start
and select Help and Support, and then
type “Media Center” in the Search Help box and click the magnifying
glass icon
to bring up the results.
Screen Rotation &
TV Tuner Modules
Make sure that you DO
NOT attempt to rotate
the display using the
NVIDIA controls while
the TV Tuner module is
in operation. This will
prevent a system error.
If you wish to rotate the
displays from the NVID-
IA controls (NVIDIA
Control Panel > Display
> Rotate Display), make
sure you quit the TV
Tuner application first.
TV Tuner Module Support
Note that the TV Tuner module (factory) options in Windows Vista are supported by the
Windows Media Center software which comes built-in to the Windows Vista Home Pre-
mium and Ultimate Editions only.
If your purchase includes a TV Tuner option, and you are re-configuring your system for a
different system, you should install either Windows Home Premium or Ultimate Edi-
tions only.