C.B.S. Scientific SG Series User Manual

Page 13

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C. B. S. œ Scientific 13

C.B.S. LITE Slab Gels

Running Conditions

4.1 Recommended


Precise electrophoresis conditions will vary according to the number and type of gels
used, buffer conditions employed, power input, and the general goal of the experiment.
Refer to the reference section for in depth discussions on practical and theoretical
approaches to protein gel electrophoresis.

Using standard SDS-PAGE buffer systems apply 1-10 VDC/cm of gel. For sequencing
applications use 50 VDC/cm. If running two gels in the Dual Units, keep the volts the
same but double the mA. It is also true that if the thickness of gel increases, increase the
mA proportionally.

At constant voltage, the proteins will migrate at a constant rate during electrophoresis
with adequate heating appropriate for denaturing gels. Increasing the voltage/mA (for a
single gel thickness and percentage) will speed mobility but increase the risk of

The sample migration rate can be increased by raising the input power. This can be done
son systems which employ “active” temperature control such as Dual Slab Gel Units and
Dual Mini-Vertical Gel Units. The joule heating generated by the higher input power is
offset by the cooling effect of the water jacket between the gels. Exact conditions should
be determined empirically but could be increased at least in the 20% range.


Recommended Buffers and Reagents

Pre-mixed acrylamide stock solutions are the method of choice. Use according to
manufacturer’s instructions.

Typical ‘scratch’ recipe for a 4% acrylamide gel:

10mls 40% acrylamide
6.6mls 2% Bis-acrylamide stock

5mls 10X TBE

78.4mls dH



750ul 10% APS
50ul TEMED

1. Make up 0.5X TBE buffer
2. After gel apparatus is set-up and ready for the gel to be poured, add 750ul

fresh 10% APS solution to the acrylamide solution.

3. Add 5 to 10 ul TEMED and using a 10 to 25ml pipette, quickly “pour” the gel.
4. Allow the gel to polymerize at least 60 minutes.
5. Remove the comb after polymerization and wash out wells with 0.5X TBE

(acrylamide will seep into the wells).

6. Fill upper and lower chambers with 0.5X TBE.
7. Pre-electrophorese gel, if needed, 20-30 minutes.
8. Load wells with samples.
9. Monitor migration with dye markers.