C.B.S. Scientific SG Series User Manual

Page 10

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C. B. S. œ Scientific 10

C.B.S. LITE Slab Gels

4. Place the notched plate on top of the bottom

assembly, starting from the bottom edge and
gently easing the plate down. Verify the gasket
is smooth around the edges and then clamp
along the bottom.

5. Lift the assembly and stand it on the base of the

clamps. For leveling, push glass plate assembly
down until it stops against clamp body. Clamp
the sides of the assembly with additional casting
clamps on either side. As each clamp is
attached, be sure the gasket is aligned between
the plates forming a seal.

6. Apply PAGE or agarose solution to gel plate

sandwich using a syringe or pipette. If using a
stacking gel, pour desired height of running gel,
then overlay a small amount of dH


O or 0.1%

SDS solution to top of gel. After
polymerization, rinse with buffer, add stacking
gel solution and insert comb. For regular, unit
percentage gels, add polyacrylamide solution
to correct height, and insert comb. Allow gel to
set, usually 20 minutes. Extra gel solution in
pipette or syringe can be monitored to test
polymerization of gel mix.

7. Disassembly. Hold the clamped plate assembly with one hand. Remove the gasket

by starting at one of the top ends and pulling up and out on the gasket until it
releases from the plate, up to the bottom of each of the white clamps. When each
clamp is reached DO NOT remove it, instead feed the gasket down through the
clamp body and repeat pulling up and out. Continue feeding until the gasket is fully
detached. If gel, is not to be used immediately, wrap entire plate sandwich with
plastic wrap tightly to seal and store at 4

°C for up to a month.