C.B.S. Scientific GCSGU-2640T-02 User Manual

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Horizontal Productivity Packages 9/2011


2. Align safety cover over the unit and

carefully attach, so not to disturb
samples. Begin cycling of coolant and
buffer (if used).

3. Connect the leads to the power supply,

matching the color-coded red to red
and black to black. See Section 4.1
for recommended power conditions.
Begin separation by electrophoresis.

3.4 Removing the Gel

1. Turn the power supply off and

disconnect the leads from the power

2. Remove the safety cover from the unit,

by placing thumbs on white posts next to
red & black connectors, then pushing
down while pulling up with fingers under
lid. DO NOT pull on power cords.

3. Gently lift the gel tray from the unit. Always wear gloves, eye protection and
protective clothing
if buffer and/or gel contains Ethidium Bromide. Ethidium Bromide is
a powerful mutagen, gloves, eye protection and protective clothing should always be
worn when handling the gel or buffer solutions. See Material Data Safety Sheets.

4. View separated fragments under UV light, using proper protection for eyes and skin
(see manufacturer’s instructions).

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