Your swift is now assembled and ready to use, Instructions for use – Beka Yarn swift User Manual
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Step 4)
Orient the short cross bars so they interlock with
their holes down. Slide the lower one into place
over the hanger bolt in the top of the center post.
Position it so the shallow notch engages the top of
the center post; the post’s end will sit flat against
the bottom of the notch. Insert two of the dowels,
placing one end into a hole on the long bottom bar
and the other end into a hole in the corresponding
top bar. (fig. 4)
Fig. 4
Step 5)
Position remaining short cross bar over the hanger
bolt, engaging the notch in the lower piece. Add
the last two dowels, placing one end into a hole in
a long bottom bar and sliding the other end into
the hole in the corresponding top piece. Holes are
large enough for easy installation. (fig. 5)
Step 6)
Place washer over bolt, use wooden knob to hold
the swift assembly in place. Orient knob so large
flat metal surface is up. Metal insert in knob is
visible from above when knob is in place. Do not
over-tighten! (fig. 6)
Fig. 5
Your swift is now assembled and ready to use.
The bearings do not need any maintenance, and
will allow the swift to turn easily and smoothly
during use. If you choose, apply a small amount
of light weight machine oil—a drop is plenty—to
reduce any noise you may hear. Be aware that
adding oil may lead to dust collecting around the
metal bearings, potentially effecting how well the
swift turns.
Fig. 6
Your Beka Yarn Swift is designed to accommodate a wide variety of skein
sizes (45” - 80” with all four dowels). Position yarn over the top of the
swift, allowing it to settle into place. For small skeins (30” - 45”), remove
a dowel and drape the yarn onto the swift as shown (Fig. 7).
Untie and remove threads holding the skein together, so you can wind yarn
smoothly into a ball, winding by hand or with a “crank” ball winder.
(Winding with an electric ball winder is not recommended.) Position yarn
so an “end” is on the outside, grasping and rolling the skein as needed to
“wind off” from the outside of the skein. If your swift begins to slide dur-
ing use, your yarn probably needs to be re-oriented to avoid tangles.
Your Beka Yarn Swift does not require clamping to a table, so may be used
anywhere! ~Enjoy!
Fig. 7
Instructions for Use