Beka Yarn swift User Manual
Yarn swift

Beka, Inc. • 542 Selby Avenue • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 • USA
1-888-999-2352 • • 651-222-3965 fax
Yarn Swift
-base assembly
-2 long bars (bottom cross) to support dowels
-1 center post with hanger bolts in each end
-2 short bars (top cross) to hold dowels
-1 washer and knob with metal inset
-4 dowels
-4 adhesive-backed rubber feet
Assembly Instructions:
Fig. 1
Step 2)
Holding the center post, orient the assembly so
the base is above the post and cross bars (fig. 2).
Position the center post so it engages the shallow
notch where the cross bars intersect. Turn the
base assembly so the hanger bolt tightens into the
metal insert in the base. Snug the cross bars
against the base.
Attach a rubber foot to the bottom side of each
base assembly cross piece, about an inch from the
end. Press to secure the adhesive.
Fig. 2
Step 1)
Place the base assembly on a table top or floor,
with the solid wood piece up (fig. 1). Position the
long bars so their center notches interlock. Orient
them above the base assembly so the holes near
each end face up. Insert the hanger bolt in one
end of the center post through the cross bars and
engage the metal insert in the base assembly; do
not tighten—see next step.
Step 3)
Re-position the base on a table or floor, so the
center post sticks up. You can position the cross
bars against the base assembly as shown; specific
positioning does not effect function as long as the
bars are snug to the surface of the base assembly.
Fig. 3