Ev ansville, indiana, Caution – Anchor PZ (PARTY) SERIES - PROFILE SIZE: 94MM X 48MM ADDENDUM - HIGH PEAK User Manual
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Anchor products are of superior design and operate best within the parameters of these instructions. It is imperative
that the instructions be carefully read and COMPLETELY FOLLOWED. Please read installation instructions before the
installation or removal of this product. Installation instructions are available online at
or by calling
For each installation, the installer is solely responsible for evaluating the site and the proper securing method deter-
mined. Some soils require different staking or securing than that provided with the tent. Due to this variety of soil
conditions, these are the manufacturer’s suggested sequence of installation procedures. Anchor’s responsibility is
limited to the manufacture of the tent parts and materials. We are not responsible for methods that installers may
choose to erect and secure the tent to the ground.
The number of stakes suggested in the installation instructions do not necessarily meet all or any relevant codes on
the site of the tent installation. The number of stakes suggested will, in many cases, keep the tent erected, howev-
er, due to various soil conditions; these stakes will be insufficient to keep the tent secure in high winds. It is the tent
installer’s responsibility, not the manufacturer, to determine the appropriate number of stakes to meet the necessary
wind loads on the site. Regardless of the number of stakes we suggest, we make no representation or warranty as
to whether this specific number of stakes will meet the local tent code. Anchor does not, nor can it make any sug-
gestions, representation, or warranties about the adequate staking required at each specific installation site. Staking
information provided in the installation instructions is not a suggestion about what is necessary to meet a site-specific
For additional important information, consult: “The IFAI Procedural Handbook For the Safe Installation and Mainte-
nance of Tentage” and the IFAI Pocket Guide “Pullout Capacity of Tent Stakes”, both available from the IFAI Tent
Rental Division or on our website.
Inasmuch as the weather is unpredictable, good judgment and common sense must be incorporated within installa-
tion guidelines. It is the responsibility of the tent installer/maintainer to determine the severity of the weather, prop-
er time and method of installation and/or erection and disassembly. Note: We recommend that snow and ice be
removed from the tent surface as soon as possible because accumulation will damage the tent or fabric structure.
Please consult with our Engineering Department about the maximum loads for each product.
This product has been manufactured for use as a temporary structure. For the safety of all occupants, evacuation is
recommended if threatening weather occurs, or if there is any doubt concerning the safe use of this product.
Proper safety equipment should be used at all times to insure a safe installation and take down. We suggest a care-
ful evaluation be made to determine safety equipment needed, such as hard hats, steel-toe shoes, safety glasses
and other as required. It is our desire that all installations are safe. Please be aware of hidden dangers both under-
ground, i.e., gas lines, water lines, electrical lines, etc. and above the tent such as power lines and telephone lines.
Anchor stands behind its products in accordance with its standard Terms and Conditions of sale. A copy of our
Terms and Conditions of Sale can be obtained by contacting Anchor at the telephone number and/or address on this
812· 867· 2421
812· 867· 0547
28.2 03-04-09