AirLive POE-5010HD User Manual
Page 42

5. Administrating the Device
AirLive POE-5010HD User’s Manual
- Test FTP: When done, click the button to test the FTP server.
Due to the network environment, the camera may not upload number of images
that you set.
SMTP Event Server: Select Enable to enable the SMTP server for the camera.
- SMTP Mail Server: Enter the mail server address.
For example,
- Port: Assign the SMTP port in the text box. The default SMTP port is 25.
- Sender Email Address: Enter the email address of the user who will send the email.
- Receiver #1/#2 Email Address: Enter the first/second email address of the user
who will receive the email.
- Subject: Enter the subject of the message for the event.
- My Mail Server Requires Authentication: Select the option according to the mail
server configuration.
- User Name: Enter the user name to login the mail server.
- Password: Enter the password to login the mail server.
- Test SMTP: When done, click the button to test the SMTP server.
- SSL Encryption: If the mail server requires an encrypted connection, you should
select the SSL option.
Due to the network environment, the camera may not upload number of images
that you set.
Samba Event Server: Select Enable to enable the Network Storage server for the
- Samba Server Address: Enter the IP address of the Network Storage server.
- Path: Assign the path for uploading the files on the Network Storage server. For
- User Name: Enter the user name to login into the Network Storage server.
- Password: Enter the password to login into the Network Storage server.
- Test SMB: When done, click the button to test the network storage server.
The recorded video files in Network Storage are enclosed by MP4/AVI format
without audio.