AirLive ES-4000 v2 User Manual

Page 124

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Choose accounts for mail notice and click Add. The selected accounts list on the right

shows result.



Add Notice Account Automatically





When a new account is created on ES-4000V2, this account will be automatically created

in Selected Accounts and receiving mail notice periodically. (Figure 8-3)

Figure 8-3 Mail notice settings

1. When inbound or outbound mails are inspected as virus mails, and those mails happen to be the

mails of Selected Account, system will send mail notice to those accounts. Account user can

decide whether to retrieve quarantined mails or not.

2. Recipient will not receive any mail notice if there is not any virus mail exist.

3. Administrator can use Select All or Invert to remove accounts from Selected Account, so as to

cancel mail notice.

4. If Send Mail Notice on Weekend is disabled, mail notice will be issuing according to the 1st time

setting on Monday.

5. If Add Notice Account Automatically is disabled, new created account will not be receiving mail
