AirLive ARM-204 User Manual
Page 38

destinations not known by the router's routing table are
sent to the default route. By default, it is enabled.
TCP MTU Option
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) determine the
maximum size of each packet in any transmission within
the network. Please specify the MTU range from 100 to
1500 bytes or 0 byte as the default value.
Dynamic Route
Dynamic routing allows routing tables in routers to
change as the possible routes change. This router
supports RIP1, RIP2-B and RIP2-M protocols for
dynamic routing. After the RIP protocol is selected,
please choose the RIP direction from “None”, “Both”, “IN
Only” or “OUT Only”.
Specify the method of transmitting data simultaneously to
many receivers. Please select “IGMP v1” or “IGMP v2”
as the multicast protocol or select “Disabled” to disable
the function.
5.2.2. LAN