AiM SoloDL User Manual
Page 19

So, the configuration SoloDL/Smarty-
Cam is extremely synergic, since the two
systems can take advantage of features
from each other:
• SmartyCam can read Solo DL parameters
from ECU
• SmartyCam can read Solo DL GPS and
GPS lap time
• SoloDL display can show information
about SmartyCam Status, like the amount
of free “microSD” Card memory,
battery level,
recording status, diagnostic messages
• SmartyCam can record SoloDL data on its
“microSD” Card, for a quicker management
of them.
Later on your PC, you can easily
synchronise video and data.
Physical Connection
To connect SoloDL with SmartyCam use
the 5 pin CAN cable provided with Smarty-
SoloDL configuration of the data stream
to SmartyCam
To get data sampled by SoloDL visualised
on SmartyCam videos, you have to take a
maximum 16 channels among the data
coming from the ECU and send them to
This is done using Race Studio 2 software.
Follow this path:
System Manager >>Solo>>
SmartyCam functions setting
And the related panel shown below on the
right appears.
It shows on the left the functions that can
be visualised on the SmartyCam videos and
on the right the ECU channels you can set
that function on.
Entering the drop down menu you can see
some of the channels coming from the ECU
grouped by type (for instance on Water
Temp function you find all temperatures
coming from the ECU).
If you find the channel you need, simply
select it and associate it to SoloDL channel.
Should the channel you want to set not
appear in the list, enable the bottom
checkbox to verify if that channel is
provided by your ECU.
Once all channels have been set click
Transmit on top of the page and these
channels will be automatically sent to