AiM MXL2 User Manual

Page 11

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Please don't forget to select the proper ECU
Manufacturer and model to which connect
your MXL2.

After having entered the MXL2
configuration page you can see different
tabs, which are useful for selecting one of
the following configuration features:

n Channels
n Ecu stream
n Shiftlights and Actions
n Display

10.1.1 Display Configuration

After selecting the DISPLAY configuration
feature, the following page appears:

It is divided into two different sections.

On the right, you can select one of several
different layouts, while on the left you will
manage the different fields, selecting the
proper information to be shown, the
parameters, labels and the units of

You can add up to eight pages.

Please use the lower left part of the display
for configuring each channel.

You can define:

n The channel,
n The label,
n The unit of measurement
n The end of scale for each channel shown

on the page (scale)

When the panel shows the desired
configuration, push “SAVE” or “CLOSE” for
saving the configuration.
In case you have connected your MXL2 to
the PC, the “TRANSMIT” pushbutton is
available for transmitting the new
configuration to your device.