ADS-TEC Net Cap User Manual

Page 40

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NetC@p 3.0 40

Settings - Activation

Timeout for Activation Request

The registered time in seconds expires up to receiving an activation request. Now the latest
activated station has the opportunity to deny the request and to shut down one operating step
Feed valid data from 0 up to 999 seconds.
The default value is 0 seconds.

Don´t show activation dialog

To prevent simultaneous operation, only one participant is permitted to be in the active mode at the
same time. This participant has the control of the mouse and of the keyboard, while it is blocked for
the other participants . The NetC@p system will pop up a default activation dialog which will inform
the user about the activation request. If you do not want to display this message box you will need
to check this option.

Don´t show activation LED

The NetC@p master and the slaves are both using a permission window (activation LED) to
indicate the current status of the station. If you do not want to display this window you will need to
check this option.

Operation mode

The operation mode determines the manner how the control permission for mouse and keyboard
takes place. There are three modes:

1) Standard mode

2) Flying master mode

3) Quick mode