Special region polling, Minimize load, if master active, Disable display driver – ADS-TEC Net Cap User Manual
Page 37: Enable gdi optimization, Capture transparent windows
NetC@p 3.0 37
Settings - Screen
Special Region Polling:
This option can be used, if the NetC@p driver has compatibility problems with other graphics
drivers installed, or if it was not enabled. The coordinates of a specific area, which should be
polled, can then be defined here.
For regular operation, this option is not selected.
Minimize load, if master active
This option is used to minimize the process priority of the master while being activated. A system
with a heavy CPU load could boost up the currently running tasks at this station and user
interaction will be more fluent.
Disable display driver
To increase the performance of the screen NetC@p uses a special kind of display driver. If you
encounter incompatibility problems with different software packages this option enables you to
switch back to legacy display operation.
Windows NT: In order to avoid incompatibility problems with some graphics cards, this option is
initially active under Windows NT.
Enable GDI optimization
Enable this option, if the graphics card of the system shows low performance. In case of
incompatibility problems with your applications deactivate it.
Capture transparent windows
Some applications may use alpha blending technik to show some window parts tranparently.
Enable this option to capture such windows. This type of capturing may cause mouse flickering
and higher CPU load.