Service & maintenance, 1 maintenance schedule, 2 removing the blades – Echo CH500H Owners Manual v.2 User Manual

Page 16: 1 maintenance schedule 5.2 removing the blades, Service & maintenance 5, Warning, Service and maintenance schedule

background image

5" and 8" Skid Steer Chipper



serVICe & maInTenanCe


5.1 maInTenanCe sCHeDule

the items listed in this service and maintenance schedule

are to be checked, and if necessary, corrective action

taken. this schedule is designed for units operating under

normal conditions. if the unit is operating in adverse or

severe conditions, it may be necessary for the items to be

checked and serviced more frequently.
see enGIne owner’s manual For FurTHer

enGIne maInTenanCe anD TrouBlesHooTInG


To prevent personal injury or property damage: shut

off engine and make sure that all moving parts have

come to a complete stop before, servicing, adjusting or

repairing. disconnect the battery and remove ignition

key where applicable.


serVICe anD maInTenanCe sCHeDule



maInTenanCe requIreD


eaCH use

eVerY 8


eVerY 50





all iNterNal aNd

exterNal NutS aNd BOltS

CHeCk tigHtNeSS

CHiPPer aNvil

CHeCk ClearaNCe aNd re-tOrQue tO

75 Ft-lBS. (1)

CHiPPer BladeS

CHeCk SHarPNeSS aNd re-tOrQue tO 25

Ft-lBS FOr 5" aNd 120 Ft-lBS FOr 8"(1)

eNtire MaCHiNe


greaSe ZerkS


HydrauliC Oil Filter


(1) PerFOrM MOre FreQueNtly WHeN CHiPPiNg dry Or dirty WOOd.

As the Limited Warranty states, failure by the Owner to perform normal maintenance will void the machine’s warranty.

the aggressive, high-speed nature of chipping reQuireS tHe OWNer tO PerFOrM tHe aBOve liSted NOrMal

MaiNteNaNCe. Special consideration to maintain and re-torque the CHiPPer aNvil, CHiPPer BladeS, aNd all

iNterNal aNd exterNal NutS aNd BOltS is the sole responsibility of the Owner. Failure by the Owner to do so shall

be cause for denial of warranty.

Chipping blades are sharp! use caution when working

on machine to avoid injury.


1. disconnect the hydraulic hoses from the skid steer.
2. Position the discharge chute to the side of the chipper.
3. remove the two bolts on the chipper blade access


4. tip the chute and housing away from the chipper to

expose the rotor and the blades.

5.2 remoVInG THe BlaDes

5. use a pry bar between two of the fan blades to prevent

the chipper from rotating during blade removal and


6. remove the blades making sure not to slip the wrench,

the chipper blades are sharp.

7. the chipper blades are reversible. if the blades have

not been reversed, flip the blades 180 degrees and


8. if the chipper blades need to be sharpened refer to

Section 5.4 of the manual.

9. inspect all components of the chipper for damage and

replace if necessary.

This manual is related to the following products: