Introduction, Signs iii, Qualified operators iii – Snorkel EPV12J User Manual

Page 5: Operation rules iii, Maintenance iii, Danger caution danger

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The most im


tant chap

ter in this man

ual is

"Safety" chap

ter 1. Take time, now, to study it

closely. The in for ma tion in chap ter 1, might save
your life or pre vent se ri ous in jury.


The fol low ing three con ven tions are used through -
out this man ual.

1. Danger sign

means: Attention! Become alert! Your safety
is involved.

2. Caution sign

means one of two things: (1) an action, about
to be performed, is potentially hazardous
and might result in minor personal injury if
not done correctly, or (2) an action, about to
be performed, can harm the EPV if not done

3. Note sign


means: The information following is to assist you
in either the proper steps to take for an action or
as additional information concerning your present
situation, but does not indicate a dangerous
condition to either you or the EPV unit.

Qualified operators

The EPV ae rial plat form has built in safety fea tures
and has been fac tory tested for com pli ance with
Snor kel spec i fi ca tions and in dus try stan dards.
How ever, any per son nel lift ing de vice can be po -
ten tially dan ger ous in the hands of un trained or
care less op er a tors.

Training is vi tally im por tant and MUST be done un -
der the di rec tion of a QUALIFIED per son. You must
dis play pro fi ciency in knowl edge and ac tual op er a -
tion of the EPV.

Be fore op er a tion of the EPV you must read and un -
der stand the op er at ing in struc tions in this man ual
as well as the de cals, warn ings, and in struc tions on
the ma chine it self.

B e

f o r e o p

e r

a t

i n g t h e E P V y o u m u s t b e

AUTHORIZED by the per son in charge to do so.

Operation rules

The fol low ing rules will help en sure the safety of


nel and help pre

vent need

less down


be cause of dam aged equip ment.

1. Only TRAINED and AUTHORIZED operators

shall be permitted to operate the equipment.

2. All manufacturer’s operating instructions and

safety rules and all employers’ safety rules
and all OSHA and other government safety
rules must be strictly adhered to.

3. Repairs and adjustments shall be made only

by QUALIFIED TRAINED maintenance

4. No modification shall be made to the

equipment without prior written consent of
the Snorkel Engineering Department.

5. You must make a pre-start inspection of the

EPV at the beginning of each shift. A
malfunctioning machine must not be used.

6. You must make an inspection of the work

place to locate possible hazards before
operating the EPV.

DO NOT operate this equipment unless you
are TRAINED and AUTHORIZED and have
read and thoroughly understand all of the
information given in this Operator’s Manual
and on all DANGER and CAUTION signs on
the machine. Misuse of this machine can


Ev ery per son who main tains, in spects, tests, or re -
pairs these ma chines, and ev ery per son su per vis -
ing any of these func

tions, MUST be prop



This Op er a tor’s Man ual pro vides a daily in spec tion
pro ce dure that will help you keep your EPV in good
op er at ing con di tion. DO NOT per form other main -

nance un

less you are a TRAINED me


QUALIFIED to work on the EPV. Call QUALIFIED


nance per


nel if you find prob

lems or

mal func tions.

DO NOT mod ify this ma chine with out writ ten ap -
proval from the En gi neering De part ment of Snor -

In for ma tion con tained in this man ual con cerns only
cur rent EPV's, and the right is re served to make
changes at any time with out ob li ga tion.

EPV12J – 12246A

page - iii