Fuel type 8-2, Operating from the ground control box 8-2, Ground/platform selector, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4 – Snorkel X33BE-sn10131+V-2 User Manual

Page 49: Operating from ground controls, 8-2, Starting a gasoline, lp, or duel fuel engine, 8-2, Operation

background image

Fuel type

Af ter you have made the ground con trol / plat form
con trol de ci sion you need to know whether the


has a gas o line or die sel en gine. If it has a gas o line
en gine you fur ther need to know whether it is set up
to burn LP-only, or dual-fuel (LP or gas o line). If it is
set up to burn dual-fuel you have to de cide whether
to burn gas o line or LP. The sim plest way to tell
what kind of en gine set up you have is to look in the
fuel com part ment on the left side of the

RT open

both fuel compartment doors.

If the only fuel source you see there is a
tank labeled GASOLINE FUEL, the


has a gasoline engine set up to burn

If the only fuel source you see is a tank
labeled DIESEL FUEL, the

RT has a

diesel engine.

If the only fuel source you see is one or
more LP tanks, the

RT has a special

gasoline engine set up to burn LP-only.

If you see a GASOLINE FUEL tank and
one or more LP tanks, the

RT has a

special gasoline engine set up to burn
either gasoline or LP.

Once you have de ter mined the type of en gine in -
stalled and the type of fuel you will burn you should
go to the cor re spond ing sub sec tion that ex plains
how to start that type en gine. Read the Ta ble Of
Con tents at the front of this man ual to see how the
dif fer ent sec tions and sub sec tions of this chap ter
are arranged.

Operating From The Ground Control


Be fore you be gin to op er ate the

RT from the

ground con trol box, a qual i fied op er a tor must per -
form the Daily In spec tion and Main te nance as de -
scribed in chap ter 7, of this manual

Starting a gasoline, LP-only, or
dual-fuel engine

To start a gas o line, LP-only, or dual-fuel (LP & gas -
o line) en gine from the ground con trol box do the
fol low ing:

Figure 8.3

1. Set the Battery switch  (see Figure 8.3) to


Figure 8.4

2. Set the Emergency Stop switch € to on


3. Set the Ground/Platform Selector switch 

to ground (down) (see Figure 8.4).

Figure 8.5

page 8 - 2

Rev A

SR3370 & SR2770 – 13184A

8. Operation

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