Gauges, Water 4-1, Amps 4-1 – Snorkel X33BE-sn10131+V-2 User Manual

Page 28: Engine oil 4-1, Hydraulic oil level 4-1, Ammeter, 4-1, Engine oil, 4-1, Hydraulic oil, 4-1, Water, 4-1, Amps

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4. Gauges


Figure 4.1 - Water Temperature Gauge

The wa ter gauge is lo cated on the ground con trol

box. It shows the tem perature of the wa ter-anti-

freeze mix ture in the en gine block. The typ ical op -

er at ing-tem per a ture range for Kubota en gines is

180°F to 205°F (82°C to 96°C), both die sel and

gasoline. (See the Au tomatic Shut-Offs & Cir cuit

Breakers chap ter 5 for more information.)


Figure 4.2 - Ammeter Gauge

The AMPS gauge shows the elec tric cur rent from

the al ternator to the bat tery. When the en gine is

running, the nee dle in the AMPS gauge should not

be to the left of 0. Un der nor mal op erating con di-

tions, af ter the en gine has been run ning for a few

minutes, the AMPS gauge should read 0.

Engine Oil

Engine oil level is mea sured with a dip stick. Oil ca -

pac i ties given in the Spec i fi ca tions chap ter 3 are

approximate. True val ues will vary from ma chine to

ma chine due to slight vari a tions or mod i fi ca tions

during production.

The oil dipstick is the only way to

accurately gauge if the engine oil level is


Engine oil level should always be between

the lines on the dipstick - never above the

top line or below the bottom line.

Gas o line

Die sel

Figure 4.3 - Oil Dipstick Levels for Gasoline

and Diesel Engines

Hydraulic Oil Level

Figure 4.4 - Hydraulic Oil Level

The hy draulic-oil level gauge is on the side of the

hydraulic oil tank. It shows the ac tual level of oil in -

side the tank. Read it only when the plat form is

completely down. Oth erwise, the lift cyl inders be -

come large res ervoirs for hy draulic oil and the oil

level in the tank will be low. The oil level should be

within ( 0.25 inches, 6.4 mm) of the line.

SR3370 & SR2770 – 13184A

Rev A

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