Fuel level 7-2, Lpg - option) 7-2, Fuel filter (diesel engines only) 7-2 – Snorkel X33BE-sn10131+V-2 User Manual
Page 37: Fuel leaks 7-2, Daily inspection and maintenance

The rest of this chap ter shows how to per form the
in spec tion and main te nance re quired for each item
in the daily in spec tion and main te nance table.
■ Fuel Level
Figure 7.1 - Fuel Level
Re move the fuel tank cap. Vi su ally Check to see
that the gas o line or die sel tank is full. Re place the
tank cap and tighten.
(LPG - Option)
To check the fuel read the fuel me ter ‚ on top (see
Fig ure 7.2).
Figure 7.2 - LPG Fuel Tank Replacement
To re place an LPG tank: Close the valve (see
Fig ure 7.2). Man u ally dis con nect the fuel hose at
the knurled ring . Man u ally lift the tank out.
LPG fuel tank installations are usually fitted post
production and may vary from machine to
■ Fuel Filter (diesel engines only)
Figure 7.3 - Fuel Filter
The D902 has, in ad di tion to the fil ter (B), a pre-fil ter
unit (A). Vi su ally check to see that the pre-fil ter is
not full of con tam i nants and that there is no wa ter in
the bot tom of the main fil ter (B).
■ Fuel Leaks
Figure 7.4 - Fuel Leaks at Tank
Figure 7.5 - Fuel Leaks in Hoses & Joints
Vi su ally in spect the en tire length of the fuel line,
from the en gine to the fuel tank, for leaks.
page 7 - 2
Rev A
SR3370 & SR2770 – 13184A
7. Daily Inspection and Maintenance