Battery terminals 7-4, Battery fluid level 7-4, Hydraulic oil tank 7-4 – Snorkel X33BE-sn10131+V-2 User Manual
Page 39: Hydraulic tank cap 7-4, Hydraulic oil level 7-4, Hydraulic oil leaks 7-4, Battery terminals -4, Battery fluid level -4, Hydraulic oil tank -4, Hydraulic tank cap -4 hydraulic oil level -4

Figure 7.11 - Wiring Harness in the Scissor
Pay par tic u lar at ten tion to the wir ing har nesses
that are at tached to the scis sor stack. Note that the
wire har ness runs with the main hose bundle.
■ Battery Terminals
Figure 7.12 - Battery Terminals
Bat tery ter mi nals should be clean and free of cor ro -
sion and the bat tery leads firmly at tached.
Battery Fluid Level
Batteries emit hydrogen and oxygen,
elements that can combine explosively.
Death or serious injury can result from a
chemical explosion.
DO NOT smoke or per mit open flames or sparks
when check ing bat ter ies.
Units manufactured in New Zealand are typically
fit ted with a "main te nance free" bat tery.
If your unit is not fit ted with sucha bat tery you will
need to do the fol low ing.
Remove the caps from the battery and visually
check to see that the battery fluid is 1/4 (6 mm)
below the bottom of the filler neck inside each hole
■ Hydraulic Oil Tank
Figure 7.13 - Hydraulic Oil Tank
Hydraulic tank cap
Check to see that the cap is in place and is tight
(see Fig ure 7.13).
Hydraulic oil level
To check the hy drau lic oil level:
Com pletely lower the plat form. The hy drau lic oil
level should be at the full level ac cord ing to the
gauge (see Fig ure 7.13) . If nec es sary, add hy -
drau lic oil at the Hy drau lic oil tank cap. See the
Spec i fi ca tions chap ter for type and grade of hy -
drau lic oil.
■ Hydraulic Oil Leaks
Leaking hydraulic oil can cause burns, fires,
falls (slipping), cuts, and puncture wounds
(if under high pressure). Do not tolerate
hydraulic oil leaks. They are dangerous.
Do not search for leaks with your hand, use a piece
of card board or wood. Hy drau lic oil leaks are eas ily
vis i ble and can show up any place. Vi su ally in spect
the en
tire ma
chine for hy
lic oil. Check the
ground un der the ma chine for leaked oil.
Figure 7.14 - Check Fittings at Valve
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Rev A
SR3370 & SR2770 – 13184A
7. Daily Inspection and Maintenance