Spyclops SPY-DVR Kit (ALL KITS) User Manual User Manual
Page 5

*Note: Click “OK” to save any changes then right click twice to save your configurations after every
change you make
2.2 Format the Hard Drive (HDD)
Before turning ON the DVR, confirm the DVR is plugged in with the provided power supply. Connect the
mouse using the USB port in the back of the DVR. After switching power, the POWER light might be
flashing, this is normal. The system will then show a warning to format the HDD (hard drive). Using the
mouse, you will click “OK”
To format the HDD right click with your mouse and select “Setup” then left click to select “System Tools”
then select “HDD management”. Select the checkbox of the HDD you want to format then click the
“Format” checkbox “√” click “Format”, click “Yes” to start.
2.3 System maintenance
Perform a System update, Logo update or Resource update from USB storage and click start