Apple Newton Works Word Processor User Manual

Page 21

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Cutting, copying, and pasting information

You can use the cut, copy, and paste commands to move information within or
between papers, or to other areas of your Newton device, such as the Notepad. For
more information, see the documentation that came with your Newton device.

Organizing papers

You can organize your papers into folders. For more information on folders, see the
documentation that came with your Newton device.

Printing, faxing, and beaming papers

You can print and fax your papers and beam them to another Newton device that has
Newton Works. For more information on sending items, see the documentation that
came with your Newton device.

Now that you’ve learned the basics, you may want to learn how to fine-tune papers—
check spelling and find and change text. See the next chapter, “Fine-Tuning a Paper.”

Learning the Basics