Apple iWork '08 User Manual

Page 33

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Chapter 1

Getting Started with Pages


 In the Format Bar, click the List Styles button and choose a style.

 In the Text Inspector, click List, and then choose a style from the Bullets & Numbering

pop-up menu.


Type your text, pressing Return when you want to create the next item in the list or

Shift-Return to create a subparagraph (a new line of text that’s not the next list item).

You can press Tab to indent an item one level. For example, in a numbered list, pressing

Tab at the beginning of 4 changes the number to 1.

Tip: You can also generate lists automatically. For example, if you type an asterisk, a
space, some text, and then press Return, the next line automatically begins with an
asterisk. You can create automatic lists using the following characters followed by a
space and text:

 Bullet (•) (press Option-8)

 Hyphen (-)

 Asterisk (*)

 Letter followed by a period

 Number followed by a period or a right parenthesis

The List Styles button