Loop browser, Button view – Apple GarageBand At A Glance User Manual
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GarageBand at a Glance
Loop Browser
The loop browser lets you quickly find loops to add to your songs. You can find loops using
keywords for instrument, musical genre, or mood. You can also perform text searches, and refine
your results in several ways. The loop browser shows the tempo, key, and number of beats for
each matching loop. You can preview loops in the loop browser before you add them to a song.
The loop browser gives you two ways to find loops: button view and column view.
Button View
In button view, the loop browser contains a set of keyword buttons. Click a button to show
matching loops in the results list. Clicking multiple buttons narrows the results to those loops
that match all of the selected keywords.
Keyword buttons:
Click a keyword button to display matching loops in the results list. You can
click multiple keyword buttons to narrow your results.
View buttons:
Click the column button to show column view, or click the grid button to show
button view.
Scale type pop-up menu:
Choose a scale type to see only loops using that musical scale.
Search text field:
Type text in the field to see loops with the text in their file name or path.
Preview volume slider:
Drag the slider to adjust the volume of the loop being previewed.
Results list:
Shows loops that match the selected keywords. Also displays the tempo, key, and
number of beats for each loop. Click a loop in the results list to preview it. Click the Favs
checkbox for a loop to add it to your favorites.