Apple Motion 1.0: Late-Breaking News User Manual
Page 9

Late-Breaking News
The movie that plays in the Welcome Screen has been changed from the movie
illustrated in the documentation.
Motion Help
Page 24 states “When you want to watch your project play back, the transport
controls at the bottom of the window allow you to play at regular speed, fast speed,
or frame by frame.” There is no option to play a project at “fast speed.”
Incorrect descriptions on page 122:
Previous Marker: Moves the playhead to the closest marker earlier in time
(Option+Command+Up Arrow). This should be Option+Command+Left Arrow.
Next Marker: Moves the playhead to the closest marker later in time
(Option+Command+Down Arrow). This should be Option+Command+Right
Previous Frame: Moves the playhead backward by one frame (Right Arrow). This
should be Left Arrow.
Next Frame: Moves the playhead forward by one frame (Left Arrow). This should
be Right Arrow.
10 Frames Back: Moves the playhead backward ten frames (Shift+Right Arrow).
This should be (Shift+Left Arrow).
10 Frames Forward: Moves the playhead forward ten frames (Shift+Left Arrow).
This should be Shift+Right Arrow
Incorrect View menu commands on page 290 (among others):
Documentation incorrectly states that “You can also choose View > Go To > Next
Marker” and “You can also choose View > Go To > Previous Marker.” The option “Go
To” appears under the “Mark” menu, not under the “View” menu.
Incorrect multi-selection information on pages 167 and 202:
Documentation incorrectly states that Command-click in the Canvas can be used
to select or deselect. You can Command-click in the Layers tab or the Timeline
Layer list.
The shortcut key to set a project (global) marker when an object is selected is
Shift+M. This is mentioned in the Timeline chapter, but not included in the Mark
menu in the Motion application or in the Shortcut Appendix.
In the chapter, Using the Timeline, page 254 states that to rename an object, you click
the name of the object and the name changes to a value field. This should read that
you double-click the name of the object, and type a new name in the text field.
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