Apple Motion 1.0: Late-Breaking News User Manual

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Late-Breaking News About Motion


If you apply certain transformations, such as a scale, rotate, or shear, to an object used
as a particle cell source, the transformation is not respected. For example, if you shear a
rectangle shape, then use that shape as the source for a particle cell, the emitter uses
the original form of the shape (without the shear applied). This rule also applies to
behaviors that transform objects, such as Throw or Spin. The exceptions to this rule are
crop and corner pin, which are respected when applied to an object that is used as a
particle cell source.


: If you are using an imported still image, image sequence, or QuickTime

movie as your particle cell source, resize/transform the file prior to importing the file
into Motion.

Photoshop files

Although Motion supports layered Photoshop files, it does not support Photoshop
layer sets.


Some Motion documentation incorrectly states that the minimum requirement is
QuickTime 6.5. Motion requires QuickTime 6.5.1 or later.


In Select mode, you can double-click a shape to enter shape-editing mode.


Motion does not include premade high definition templates. The Show pop-up
menu in the Template Browser includes "HD" or "Other" categories. These are
included for you to save your own high definition or custom templates.

Although there are several layers named “Replace Here” in various templates, the
objects within the layers should be replaced—not the Layers themselves.


Pasting a region does not paste at the current playhead location.


: Paste the region, then press the


key while you drag the pasted object.

As you approach the current playhead location, it snaps into place.