Software update for xserve – Apple Xserve (Cluster Node) User Manual

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Understanding and Using NetInfo, which describes the built-in Mac OS X directory
service and provides instructions for configuring NetInfo and Mac OS X Server

m Integrating Mac OS X With Active Directory, which describes how you can use the

information stored in Microsoft’s Active Directory to authenticate Macintosh users and
provide file services and home directories for them on Mac OS X Server

m Upgrading to Mac OS X Server, which contains guidelines for migrating data and

settings being used on existing servers

Software Update for Xserve

Depending on the software version installed on your Xserve system, you may need to
download and install a software update. You can get automatic software updates by using the
software update command-line tool (when logged in remotely as “root”). This procedure lists
any available updates for your system; you can choose the appropriate update. See the
Mac OS X Server documentation for additional information.

For best performance, keep your system current with the latest software updates.

Installing or Restoring Software on Your Xserve System

Mac OS X Server is preinstalled on the drive module of your Xserve system. If the software
has a problem or you need to reinstall or restore the server software, you can use one of
several methods to complete installation.

All of these installation methods involve using a remote computer or another Xserve system.

Note: For any method that uses command-line tools, you must be logged in as root.

The installation methods include:

m Removing the drive module from your Xserve system and using another Xserve system

that has an optical drive to install the software on that drive module

m Starting up from an external FireWire optical drive that has the Mac OS X Server install

disc in it

m Putting the Xserve system in target disk mode and connecting a PowerBook, iBook, or

other Mac by means of a FireWire port on the Xserve system

m Installing the software over the network, using a NetBoot image or using the command-

line tool Apple Software Restore (asr)


Remote installation of Mac OS X Server erases the target volume. Be sure to

back up other information on that volume.