Working with transients – Apple Loops Utility 3 User Manual

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Working with Transients

Transients are the points in an audio file where beats occur. Typically, transients occur at
the widest areas of a waveform in the waveform display. During playback, Soundtrack Pro
adjusts looping files using a technique called stretching to achieve the best audio quality,
based on the loop’s transients. Non-looping files are not affected by stretching.

When you open a file in Apple Loops Utility, it looks for transients at every 16th note
position, based on the file’s tags for tempo and the number of beats. You can change
the beat value at which Apple Loops Utility detects transients using the Transient Division
pop-up menu.

To display a file in the Transients tab


Select the file in the Assets drawer, then click the Transients tab.

The Transients tab can display only one file. If multiple files are selected, no waveform is
displayed in the window. The waveform display in the Transients tab displays both the
transients detected by Apple Loops Utility and transients you add to the file. You can add
transients and move existing transients in the Transients tab.

To add a new transient


Click in the darker area above the Beat ruler in the waveform display.

To move a transient marker


Drag the marker by its handle in the area above the Beat ruler.

To change the beat value of detected transients


Choose a beat value from the Transient Division pop-up menu.

Choosing a larger beat value results in fewer transients being detected. Choosing a smaller
beat value results in more transients being detected, if they are present in the audio
recorded in the file.

Sometimes transients occur at points in the audio file other than on a beat value. You
can have Apple Loops Utility detect additional transients in the file using the Sensitivity
slider. When you increase the sensitivity of transient detection, Apple Loops Utility
considers points of higher amplitude in the waveform as transients, regardless of whether
or not they occur at a beat value.


Chapter 1

Using Apple Loops Utility