Apple Loops Utility 3 User Manual
Page 15

When you make changes to a file’s tags, a dot appears in the Changes column next to
the filename to indicate that the file has been changed. You can select a file or group of
files and make one or several changes, and then select another file or group of files and
make different changes. Apple Loops Utility remembers all the changes you make as you
work with different files. When you finish making changes, you can save changes to only
the currently selected files, or save changes to all files marked in the Changes column of
the Assets drawer.
Note: Changing a file’s tags has no effect on the actual audio data recorded in the file.
Changing the tag for the number of beats, for example, only changes the information
used when Soundtrack Pro searches for files, not the actual number of beats recorded in
the audio file. Similarly, changing the tag for key has no effect on the actual musical key
of the audio file.
To tag a single audio file
Select the file in the Assets drawer. (If the drawer is closed, click the Assets button to open
Note: When a single file is selected, you can use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to
move up and down the files in the Assets drawer. You can listen to the file using the
playback controls.
Make the changes you want to the file’s tags in the Tags tab.
for information about the options in the Tags tab.
Click Save to save changes to the selected file, or click Save All to save all changes.
When multiple files are selected, only the tags that apply to all the selected files can be
changed. Items in the Tags tab that do not apply to all the currently selected files are
dimmed and unavailable.
To tag multiple files
Select the files in one of the following ways:
• To select adjacent files in the Assets drawer: Shift-click the files.
• To select nonadjacent files in the Assets drawer: Command-click the files.
• To select all files in the Assets drawer: Press Command-Shift-A.
Make the changes you want to the available tags for the selected files in the Tags tab.
for information about the options in the Tags tab.
Select the checkboxes next to the tags for which you want to save changes.
Click Save to save changes to the selected files, or click Save All to save all changes.
There are many keyboard shortcuts to simplify the task of tagging files. For a complete
list of keyboard shortcuts, see
Apple Loops Utility Keyboard Shortcuts
Chapter 1
Using Apple Loops Utility