Stage 1: creating a new cluster – Apple Qadministrator 4 User Manual

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Stage 2: Assigning Service Nodes

Stage 1:

Creating a New Cluster

Use the following steps to create a cluster with Apple Qadministrator.

To create a new cluster


In Compressor, choose Apple Qmaster > Administer Clusters to open Apple Qadministrator.


Click the Add (+) button.


Select Untitled Cluster and rename it. (The cluster name you create will also appear in
the cluster pop-up menus in Compressor, Share Monitor, Apple Qmaster, Final Cut Pro,
and Motion.)

... then rename the
Untitled Cluster.

Click the Add button...


From the Controller pop-up menu, choose a cluster controller from those available on
the network.

Use this pop-up
menu to choose
a cluster controller.

Note: If a password was created for the cluster controller in the Apple Qmaster Sharing
window, a password authentication dialog appears.


Optionally, create cluster passwords by clicking the Security tab and selecting and entering
the passwords you want.

Administrator Password: If you create this password, administrators will need to know

it in order to modify this cluster and to view this cluster’s batches in Share Monitor.

User Password: If you create this password, users will need to know it in order to submit

batches to this cluster and to view those batches in Share Monitor.


Chapter 1

Using Apple Qadministrator