Choosing an easy setup – Apple Final Cut Express HD: Installing Your Software User Manual

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Choosing an Easy Setup

The Easy Setup you choose becomes your default setup and all projects and sequences
use its settings until you change your Easy Setup. You can change your Easy Setup or
individual presets and settings at any time; however, you don’t need to change the
Easy Setup unless you change your video hardware or source media. Changing your
Easy Setup only affects new projects that you create. It doesn’t change the settings of a
project that’s already created or that’s currently open. For detailed information on Easy
Setups and presets, see Final Cut Express HD Help, Chapter 4, “Specifying User
Preferences, System Settings, and Easy Setups.”

To choose an Easy Setup:


Open Final Cut Express HD.


Choose Final Cut Express HD > Easy Setup.


Choose an Easy Setup from the Setup For pop-up menu.

A summary of the selected Easy Setup appears below the menu. The summary includes
information about the purpose of the Easy Setup, along with a list of the presets and
external video settings on which the Easy Setup is based.

Note: Make sure your primary scratch disk can accommodate the size of the media files
associated with your project. For more information on checking the status of your
primary scratch disk, see Final Cut Express HD Help, Chapter 4, “Specifying User
Preferences, System Settings, and Easy Setups.”