Rock-Slide Engineering FORD VAN STEP SLIDER User Manual

Page 2

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Fig. 2

Use touch-up paint to coat any exposed metal. Silicone sealant can also be used to seal
the threaded inserts to the body of the vehicle. Use a large threaded insert installation

—body shops usually have them— (fig. 2).

Fig 2.


ʼs very important the threaded inserts are perfectly

installed. If cocked or distorted they may pull out of
the thin sheet metal causing hard to repair damage.
If not


with the insertʼs installation, they can be drilled out and replaced.


3: Coat the threads of the 5/16”x1” bolts with silicone and bolt the upper support

bracket to the body of the vehicle..

Step 4: Rest the step/slider assembly on the upper support bracket and hold loosely in
place with two 5/16x1” button head stainless steel bolts provided.

Step 5: Place

ʻLʼ shaped lower support bracket under the step/slider assembly and

loosely attach to step/slider assembly with two 5/16x1” bolts supplied. The lower support
bracket should be on the inside

—towards the center of the vehicle—of the pinch weld.

Step 6: With assistance, hold the step/slider where it needs to be

—sliding lower support

bracket if necessary so it will have full contact with the pinch weld AND have full contact
with the step/slider assembly AND align with the holes in the step/slider assembly. Mark
through the holes in the lower support to the pinch weld and remove lower support

Step 7: Center-

punch and drill 11/32” holes through pinch weld. Coat any exposed bare

metal with paint or silicone to prevent rust. Reinstall lower support bracket except this
time with it on the outside of the pinch weld, (fig. 3) and bolt loosely with supplied 5/16x1”
bolts making sure the lower support maintains contact with step/slider assembly.