BNC 630 User Manual

Page 84

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' Program Start

DECLARE SUB Delay (X%) ' Declare functions used below.

' (The Delay function waits x mS then returns)


' (The Pause fctn waits for a keypress then returns)

CLS ' Clear the screen

' Open serial port 1 for communication with the 630 with these parameters:
' Ignore the CD,CTS,DCD flow control lines
' Set a 5 sec maximum time-out for basic to open the port
' Set the receive buffer to 2K bytes
' Disable the RTS flow control line
' Set the transmit buffer to 1K bytes
' File access type is Random
' Set random access buffer size to 2K

OPEN "COM1:9600,n,8,1,CD0,CS0,DS0,OP5000,RB2048,RS,TB1024" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = 2048

'----------- Make sure a 630 is attached to the serial port --------------

' If we send the 630 a control E character, it will respond with a control C.
' We use this feature to see if a 630 is attached.
' If a 630 cannot be found, wait until one is attached.
' User can abort the program at this point by pressing any key.

' When power is applied to the 630, it prints a menu to the serial port. We wish to
' disregard these characters, so flush them.

GOSUB FlushBuff1 ' Flush all received chars from buffer

' Tell the user to connect up a 630

PRINT "Connect the 630 to the serial port and power the 630"

PRINT #1, CHR$(5); ' Print a control E to 630 (ASCII char 5)

' Wait for the 630 to give us some characters. When they arrive, put
' then into the string a$

GOSUB GetResponse1 ' Wait for and get response from 630 to a$

' Allow the user to exit the program by pressing a key.

IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN SYSTEM ' Exit on first terminal keypress

' Did we get a control C (ASCII char 3) from the 630?


GOTO ConnectLoop