Operating modes, 0 630 specifications – BNC 630 User Manual

Page 81

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Main Output
Frequency: DC to 21.5000000 MHz, .01 Hz steps

Level: 4 mVp-p to 10.000 Vp-p, 1 mV steps (into 50


or -44.0 dBm to +24.0 dBm, .1 dBm steps (into 50


Level Accuracy: ± 1%
Flatness: ± .2 dB (DC-10 MHz), +4dB (10MHz – 21.5MHz)
@5vpp (into 50


DC offset: 0V to ± 6.0 V, 1 mV steps (into 50


Output impedance: 50

Freq. accuracy: ± 10 ppm (.001%)

Spectral Purity: > -35 dBc (DC-21.5 MHz)
Distortion: 0.01Hz to 100KHz <1%

External Modulation Input
Max. level in: ±5V (10V p-p)

Input Impedance: 30 K

Bandwidth: DC to 50 KHz

RS232 port
Asynchronous, no parity, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit.

Baud rate: Adjustable, 300 bps to 115.2 Kbps
Connector: DB9 female type

Operating Modes

The carrier frequency for all modulation modes is
0 to 21.5000000 MHz, .01 Hz steps

Basic Sinewave (CW) Mode
Output frequency: 0 Hz to 21.500 MHz, .01 Hz steps

Frequency Modulation (FM) Mode
Int. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 10 KHz, 1 Hz steps
Ext. modulation freq: DC to 35 KHz
Peak frequency deviation: 0 Hz to ± 5.0 MHz, 1 Hz steps

Phase Modulation (PM) Mode
Int. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 10 KHz, 1 Hz steps
Ext. modulation freq: DC to 35 KHz
Peak phase deviation: 0 to ± 180 deg., 1 deg. steps

Sweep Mode
Start/Stop freq: 0 Hz to 21.500 MHz, .01 Hz steps
Linear or Log sweep, Continuous or Triggered, Up or Down
Sweep time: 1 mS to 60 Sec. 1 mS steps

Voltage Controlled Oscillator Mode (VCO)
Endpoint freqs: 0 Hz to 21.500 MHz, .01 Hz steps
Control input range: -5.0V to +5.0V
Control signal bandwidth: DC to 35 KHz

Burst Mode
Continuous or Triggered via Front Panel, RS232, or Ext. TTL
Duration: 1 mS to 99.999 Sec, 1 mS steps
Delay: 0 mS to 99.999 Sec, 1 mS steps

Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) Generate Mode
Dialing digits generated: 0 to 9, #,


, A,B,C,D

Duration: 1 mS to 10.000 Sec, 1 mS steps
Delay: 0 mS to 10.000 Sec, 1 mS steps

Dual Tone Generation Mode
Tone 1, Tone 2 Frequency: DC to 10.000 KHz, 1 Hz steps
Phase offset: 0 deg. to 359 deg., 1 deg. steps

Output On time: 1 mS to 10.000 Sec, 1 mS steps
Output Off time: 0 mS to 10.000 Sec, 1 mS steps

Function Generator Mode
Waveforms: Pos/Neg Ramp, Triangle, Exponential, Noise, Sine
Repetition rate: 0 Hz to 2 MHz in 1 Hz steps

Run mode: Continuous or Triggered

Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) Mode
Int. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 130 KHz, 1 Hz steps
Ext. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 10 KHz

Sync Output
Amplitude: 0V to +5V
Fall Time: 5 nS. Rise Time: 8 nS. 10% to 90%
Output current: ± 24 mA.

Ext. Trigger/Gating/FSK/BPSK input
Input impedance: 80 K

Max. input level: ± 10V
Max. gating freq.: 3 MHz

Power: 100-240VAC 47-63 Hz, 30W, 3 prong IEC conn.
Display: 2 line by 40 character, LCD, backlit.
Weight: Approx. 3.5 lbs.
Dimensions: 5.1" x 9.3" x 10.2" (H x W x L)
Operating Temperature: 0 to 40 deg. C ambient.
Saved Instrument States: 10, including 1 power up state.

Amplitude Modulation (AM) Mode
Int. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 10 KHz, 1 Hz steps
Ext. modulation freq: DC to 35 KHz
Percentage modulation: 0% to 100%, 1% steps

Single Sideband (SSB) Mode
Int. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 1.0 MHz, 1 Hz steps
Ext. modulation freq: DC to 8500 Hz
Upper or Lower Sideband selectable

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) Mode
Int. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 130 KHz, 1 Hz steps
Ext. modulation freq: 0 Hz to 3 MHz
Mark/Space freqs: 0 Hz to 21.5 MHz, .01 Hz steps

Data Modulation Mode
Baud Rate: 0 Hz to 130 KHz, 1 Hz steps
Message Length: 1 to 960 bits
Mark/Space freqs: 0 Hz to 21.5 MHz, .01 Hz steps
Message nonvolatile storage: 10 locations

Power and Voltage Measurement Mode
Input signal level: ±5V max. (10V p-p)
Input signal bandwidth: DC to 50 KHz
Power calc. impedance: Variable from 1 to 999 ohms

Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) Detect Mode
DTMF digits detected: 0 to 9, #,


, A,B,C,D

Detection range: 10 Vp-p max., 20 mVp-p min.
Detection time: 100 mS

Arbitrary Waveform Generation Mode
Vertical resolution: 12 bits
Sample update rate: DC - 40 MHz in .01 Hz steps
Sample buffer depth: 32,768 points
Run mode: Continuous or Triggered
Waveform nonvolatile storage: 32,768 points, 1 location
Operating Mode: Int/Ext clock, Multi Unit Lock mode
Unit Lock Phase Adjustment: 0-359.99 deg, .01 deg steps

Pulse Generator Mode
Frequency: 0 Hz to 2 MHz in 1 Hz steps
Duty cycle: 0% to 100% in 1% steps
Tr, Tf: <40 nS (10% to 90%, 1Vp-p)
Variable in amplitude & offset. TTL/CMOS output also.

9.0 630 Specifications