Brother 8 User Manual

Page 3

background image

Turn your favourite illustrations
and photos into embroidery.

With enhanced font functions!
Enjoy the great power of expression.

Quick & Easy automatic conversion

PE-DESIGN automatically turns images into embroidery designs with any stitch you desire to choose.

35 built-in font

Select fonts that meet your own taste.

(You can also automatically convert true type fonts,giving you a virtually unlimited range of fonts.)

Layout & Editing

Cross Stitch

PE-DESIGN supports all these image file formats:

*.bmp, *.tif, *.jpg, *.pcx, *.wmf, *.png, *.eps, *.pcd, *.fpx, *.j2k, *.gif

PE-DESIGN automatically adjusts the brightness and contrast,and shows you several
examples of the different brightness and contrast levels. All you have to do is select the
best one!

Small fonts of 3 mm to 6 mm

Enjoy stitching small yet beautiful

Monogramming function

Create various decorative monogramming patterns by just selecting a
font, inputting characters, and selecting the decorative patterns.

Font creator

Use “Font creator” to create your original fonts

Create fonts that meet your own taste.

The created fonts can be recalled
to be used in Layout & Editing.

Auto Punch

Edit cross-stitches and back stitches

By using cross-stitch function, embroidery

patterns can be created with more


Photo Stitch


Image size and position
can be changed

Change Size

Creates punch data automatically
from TrueType font

Text transformation

2 new transformation patterns are added

1 click to

arrange the text

in an arc!

Edit multi byte characters

Includes Chinese letters, Korean letters etc…



Regions can be converted to lines


Image file

Converted to

embroidery data


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