Bryant DuraPac Series 580f User Manual

Page 42

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After advancing through all the configuration variables in
the Read mode, the controller will then advance through the
status of the I/O channels. As in the Read mode, there will be
no LEDs on. Push the READ/ADJUST (#1) button and the
yellow LED will flash the “I/O Point” number and the green
LEDs will flash the “I/O Values” in the same manner
described in the Read mode section. See Table 38. At the first
I/O point (Compressor 1 Output), the DS2 LED (Yellow) will
flash with the number of the I/O channel and the DS1 LED
(red) will stop flashing. This will be followed by the I/O chan-
nel status. To read the value again, push the READ/ADJUST
(#1) button.

To advance to the next channel, push the ADVANCE/MAN-
UAL (#2) button. If the number of the channel or the status
value is greater than 4 the controller will count out the
increments of 5 at a high flash rate followed by the remain-
ing digits. The channel number will be counted out through
the DS2 LED (yellow). The status value will be counted out
through the DS3 and DS4 LEDs (green).

If the status value is an analog value then the numeric value
will be displayed by using the DS3 Green LED to display the
tens digit and the DS4 will be used to display the ones digit.

If the channel is a digital output (relay), the DS3 LED (flash-
ing green) will indicate ON status and the DS4 LED (flash-
ing green) will indicate OFF status. If the output is the
economizer control signal then the DS3 LED will be used to
indicate the motor is being driven open, and the DS4 LED
will be used to indicate it is being closed. If the motor is not
being commanded in either direction then both the DS3 and
DS4 LEDs will be on. The controller will first go through the
output relays, then the economizer motor, and will then fol-
low with the values currently being read for the analog input
channels as defined in the configuration table. All values are
maintained in memory even during a power loss. To exit
Setup mode, push and hold the READ/ADJUST (#1) and
ADVANCE/MANUAL (#2) buttons for more than 3 seconds.
Setup mode will automatically be exited after 10 minutes of
no activity.

E. Setup Mode

The Setup mode is used to change set points and configura-
tion values.

Enter the Setup mode by pushing and holding the READ/
ADJUST (#1) button 1 for at least 3 seconds until all LEDs
flash once. Then, the yellow LED will come on steady. A user
can only enter the Setup mode from the Run mode (to get to
Run mode, press buttons both buttons #1 and #2 for at least
3 seconds).

In Setup mode, all configurations can be modified even while
the unit is running, but the user will not be able to adjust the
I/O channels. Only channels 1 through 20 on Table 37 will be
accessible in the Setup mode. Channel 20 will be used to
reset any alarms that may have occurred. As an option,
alarms can also be reset by cycling power to the controller.

NOTE: During the Setup mode, all routines including safety
routines will continue to run and control the unit.

While in this mode, the DS1 LED (red) will flash to indicate
the number of the configuration item. The DS2 LED (yellow)
will be on continuously to indicate that the unit is in configu-
ration mode. Use the ADVANCE/MANUAL button to
sequence through the setup channels. If the value of the
channel is less than 5 it will count out the value of the chan-
nel on the DS1 LED at 1-second intervals. If the channel
value is 5 or greater, the DS1 LED will first count out the
groups of 5 and then following with the remaining digit.

Verify what Setup Point is being read by pushing the READ/
ADJUST button (#1). First the Red LED will flash the set
point number, then the Green LEDs will flash the value.
Then, the green DS3 and DS4 LEDs will each come on
steady for about 2 seconds. While DS3 is on steady, its new
value can be entered by pushing READ/ADJUST (#1), and
entering the value for the ten’s digit. When the DS4 comes
on steady, enter the value for the one's digit. After the green
LEDs are off, push the READ/ADJUST button (#1) again to
verify that the correct value has been entered. If the configu-
ration is a discrete On/off setting, push the READ/ADJUST
button (#1) to toggle LED 3 or 4 on or off.

Setup Example 1: Change “Occupied Minimum Position”
(configuration item 2) to 53%.

1. Read the General Notes about reading and entering

values found on the label on the top of the

2. Push and hold button #1 (READ/ADJUST) for at

least 3 seconds until all LEDs flash. The yellow LED
will go on steady.

3. Read the current configuration point by pushing but-

ton #1. The red LED flashes the configuration point
number and the green LEDs flash the current setting
for that setup point number.

4. On the label (on top of the EconoMi$er+), read Step 2

and Note 1 for Setup mode operation.

5. Use button #2 (ADVANCE/MANUAL) to advance to

configuration point number 2, Occupied Min.

NOTE: Before performing Step 6, be ready to push button
#1; there is a limited time window that can easily be missed
when the DS3 green LED comes on, and again when the DS4
green LED comes on.

6. Verify the configuration point by pushing button #1.

The red LED should flash twice to indicate point 2,
and then the green LEDs will flash the current

7. Next, the green DS3 LED will turn on steady for 2

seconds. During this time, push button #1 five times.

8. The DS3 LED will turn off and the green DS4 LED

will go on steady for 2 seconds. During this time,
push button #1 three times.

9. The 5 button #1 pushes, followed by the 3 button #1

pushes is the sequence that sets the occupied mini-
mum position to 53%.

10. Wait until the green LEDs turn off then verify the

setting by pushing button #1 to read the value. There
should be 5 fast blinks of DS3 and 3 slow blinks of

Setup Example 2: Change the Occupied Minimum Position
(item 2) to 2% (lowest value).

1. Read the General Notes about reading and entering

values found on the label on the top of the

2. Push and hold button #1 (READ/ADJUST) for at

least 3 seconds until all LEDs flash. The yellow LED
will go on steady.

3. Read the current configuration point by pushing but-

ton #1. The red LED flashes the configuration point
number and the green LEDs flash the current setting
for that setup point number.

4. On the label (on top of the EconoMi$er+), read Step 2

and Note 1 for Setup mode operation.

5. Use button #2 (ADVANCE/MANUAL) to advance to

configuration point number 2, Occupied Min.