Handling large errors 33, Handling large errors, Additional information – Pioneer AVG-VDP1 User Manual

Page 33: How do gps and dead reckoning work together, When the positioning by gps is impossible

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How do GPS and dead

reckoning work together?

For maximum accuracy, this unit continually

compares GPS data with your estimated posi-

tion as calculated from the data of 3D Hybrid

Sensor. However, if only the data from the 3D

Hybrid Sensor is available for a long period,

positioning errors are gradually compounded

until the estimated position becomes unreli-

able. For this reason, whenever GPS signals

are available, they are matched with the data

of the 3D Hybrid Sensor and used to correct it

for improved accuracy.

To ensure maximum accuracy, the dead reck-

oning system learns with experience. By com-

paring the position it estimates with your

actual position as obtained using GPS, it can

correct for various types of error, such as tire

wear and the rolling motion of your vehicle. As

you drive, the dead reckoning system gradu-

ally gathers more data, learns more, and the

accuracy of its estimates gradually increases.

! If you use chains on your wheels for winter

driving or put on the spare wheel, errors

may suddenly increase because of differ-

ence in wheel diameter. The system detects

the fact that the tire diameter has changed,

and automatically replaces the value for

calculating distance.

Handling large errors

Positioning errors are kept to a minimum by

combining GPS and dead reckoning. However,

in some situations, these functions may not

work properly, and the error may become big-


When the positioning by GPS is


! If signals cannot be received from more

than two GPS satellites, GPS positioning

does not take place.

! In some driving conditions, signals from

GPS satellites may not reach your vehicle.

In this case, it is impossible for the system

to use GPS positioning.

In tunnels or enclosed parking garages

Under elevated roads or similar

When driving among high buildings

When driving through a dense forest or

tall trees

! If a car phone or cellular phone is used

near the GPS antenna, GPS reception may

be lost temporarily.

! Do not cover the GPS antenna with spray

paint or car wax, because this may block

the reception of GPS signals. Snow buildup

can also degrade the signals, so keep the

antenna clear.


If, for any reason, GPS signals cannot be received,
learning and error correction are not possible. If
GPS positioning has been operating for only a
short time, your vehicles actual position may not
be displayed properly. Once GPS reception is re-
stored, accuracy will be recovered.

Additional Information



