Behringer DSP8024 User Manual
Page 24

the stage the same clear, direct sound as those with better positions. In order to compensate for the time
differences existing between the main L and R loudspeakers and those further away, the signal to the latter will
be sent through an electronic delay device. This usually is a separate line-delay unit designated solely for this
purpose. The ULTRA-CURVE PRO removes the necessity of a separate delay unit, as it can produce a signal
delay for the material it is processing. This operates just as comfortably and effectively as having a dedicated
delay unit. The delay settings are be stored with the program. If several groups of identical loudspeakers are
being used, each having a different Delay time, they can be controlled by a multiple ULTRA-CURVE PRO
system, interconnected via the optional AES/EBU digital interfaces, thus avoiding any signal deterioration.
If we assume, for the purposes of this example, that the same type of loudspeakers are being used in the
various locations, under similar acoustic conditions (e.g. open air), then we can operate the system as follows:
The first ULTRA-CURVE PRO in the chain will be set up as in section 3.1, operating here as the signal source.
The second ULTRA-CURVE PRO provides the equalization for all successive loudspeakers, the EQ settings
can be used to compensate for the difference between the equalization of the stage L and R speakers and the
remote loudspeaker groups. The Delay setting corresponds to the time difference between the main L and R
loudspeakers and the first loudspeaker group.
The third ULTRA-CURVE PRO receives an equalized, delayed signal, therefore requiring only a further delay to
allow for the time difference between loudspeaker groups 1. and 2. Fine adjustments with the equalizer may, of
course, also be made.
Fig. 3.4: Several ULTRA-CURVE PROs in an “advanced” Delay application
The same applies to ULTRA-CURVE PRO No. 4, the Delay time in this case allowing for the time difference
between loudspeaker groups 2 and 3. This method of digitally “chaining” the ULTRA-CURVE PRO through
AES/EBU can only work when using the same type of loudspeakers, or at least when a minimum of equalization
will be carried out by the ULTRA-CURVE PRO placed after the first one in the chain. The reason for this is that
despite the maintenance of signal quality afforded by digital signal processing and transfer, by linking several
digital filters in series with each other, the quantization noise from each device will be summed, which can
result in it becoming an audible noise problem.
This noise will not arise when a series of DELAYs are linked together as no processing takes place, instead
the signal is merely stored briefly in each unit. If equalizer settings are required which differ substantially from
each other, it is recommended to link the units in parallel to each other, either via analog, or using an AES/EBU
signal distributor.