Olympus E-10 User Manual
Page 3

The E-10 SLR features a fully multi-
coated, 14-element, 11-group lens with ED
and aspherical glass and an f 2.0 – 2.4 4x
zoom. That alone tells you this is no ordi-
nary lens, digital or otherwise.
But the real story behind the E-10’s
lens is in the way it captures an image.
In a film lens, an image carried by
light is directed at a layer of silver halide
below the film’s translucent surface. Since
this layer is flat, light can expose the film
from any angle and still result in excellent
focus and resolution.
Our exclusive Olympus TruePic
technology uses every pixel to
make your image, at all resolutions. It then micro-smooths the
pixels to provide true continuous-tone images.
In a digital camera, the surface of the
CCD is made up of pixels. These pixels are
tiny wells that record the information car-
ried by light. In the E-10’s 4.0 million pixel
CCD, the pixels are so small that angled
light won’t fill them properly. So to take full
advantage of the E-10’s advanced CCD, we
The E-10’s lens refracts light directly into the pixel
wells, filling them with information properly.
developed a lens that would direct light
precisely into each pixel well, filling them
properly and resulting in exceptionally fine
focus and resolution.
Of course, there’s a much simpler way to
understand what this new technology means.
Just take a look at one of the E-10’s pictures.
Film lenses refract light at an angle. A good
technology for flat film.
T h e ve r y l a te st i n d i g i ta l te c h n o lo g y co m e s to g e t h e r i n t h e C a m e d i a E - 1 0 S L R . I t s m a n y revo l u t i o n a r y p a r t s
co m b i n e to g i ve yo u exce p t i o n a l ly s h a r p , r i c h , l a rg e p r i n t s .
The E-10’s all-in-one lens design
allows us to perfectly match the
lens to the precision camera CCD.
It also lets us seal the camera
body, keeping damaging dust
away from the CCD.
A le n s d e s i g n e d fo r t r u e
d i g i t a l p h o t o g ra p h y.