Olympus E-10 User Manual
Olympus Cameras

C a m e d i a E - 1 0 S L R
4 m i l l i o n p i x e l s
Th e d i g i t a l c a m e ra f o r t h e s e r i o u s p h o t o g ra p h e r
Focus On Life
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©2000 Olympus America Inc. D968
Why Olympus?
You’re about to make a decision. Olympus?
Or some other brand? Naturally, we think it should
be Olympus.
We could point out that in 1920, we gave Japan its
first microscope. Our long experience with optics has
resulted in the clearest, most distortion-free lenses
the world has ever known. And the quality of the
lens is the single most important factor in
determining the quality of your picture.
But it goes beyond that. It has more to do with the
all-consuming dedication to excellence that produced
those advanced optics in the first place. The dedication
that has driven the company from the very beginning.
Our dedication can be seen in the long string of
innovations we’ve introduced over the years. It can be
seen in the extreme level of performance, durability
and ease of use that’s in every Olympus product. And
most importantly, it can be seen in your pictures.
We suggest you research your decision carefully.
Consider what you’ll get for your money. Money's too
hard to earn to waste a single dollar. Then make a
good decision.
And of course, if you end up going with Olympus
this time, you’ll find that next time, you won’t really
have a decision to make.